The SSB process is unlike conventional written exams since it aims to test the mental, physical, as well as psychological endurance of the candidate in discharging the responsibilities of an officer.
The SSB process is not exactly a written test, but an interview process that lasts for five days with a board of senior officers from the armed forces. Clearing written exams like NDA, CDS, or AFCAT, candidates are shortlisted for SSB interviews or enter the SSB process directly through direct entries such as Technical Entry Scheme (TES).
Structure of SSB Exam
1: Screening Test
.Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test: This would consist of verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions that test the candidate's mental acuteness.
.Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT): In this test, there is a picture for 30 seconds for which the candidate writes his or her story based on perception. The test is aimed at analyzing the creative, perceptive, and observational skills of a candidate.
2: Psychological Tests
.Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): Images are given to the candidates and they have to write a story on each. It is an estimation of emotional and psychological responses.
.Word Association Test: A set of words is flashed, and the candidates are asked to write the first word that comes to mind.
.Self-Description Test (SDT): Candidates write about themselves from various points of view, for instance by parents, teachers, friends.
3. Group Testing Officer (GTO) Tests
It consists of a set of group activities meant to verify teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
These tasks include among others, Group Discussion, Group Planning Exercise, and Progressive Group Task, Command Task, among others.
Types of Entries for SSB Interview
.NDA (National Defence Academy):
NDA conducts training for cadets who have passed the entrance exam held by the Union Public Service Commission twice a year. The course is three years long where cadets receive military and academic training. At the end of this course, cadets are awarded with a degree and then commissioned into their parent service after specialized further training.
.CDS: for all graduates who want to be a part of the forces.
.AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test): Only for those who want to join the Indian Air Force.
Technical Entries: TES, TGC, and others: Open to engineering graduates or possessors of technical qualifications.
Skills Assessed During SSB
Leadership: The capacity to manage a group of people and make decisions even when under pressure.
Collaboration: Demonstrate and discuss good teamwork.
Effective Communication: Clarity of thoughts and confidence with which one enunciates his thoughts and ideas.
Adaptability: The ability to adapt under changing situations and environments.
Mental Endurance: The capability of withstanding stress, physical exhaustion, as well as mental pressure during the five-day process of selection.
VJ Education
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